Veti obtine cu usurinta rapoarte CORECTE si la zi privind: oportunitatile si previziunile de vanzare, situatia prospectilor/clientilor strategici, etc.

 Va asigurati ca resursele existente sunt directionate spre atingerea obiectivelor companiei, veti avea ACCES DIRECT, nemijlocit la orice informatie care va este necesara, veti sti in fiecare minut care sunt previziunile de vanzari raportate la obiectivele firmei

 Veti oferi departamentelor de marketing, vanzari si suport un suport prin care sa comunice si sa COLABOREZE in beneficiul companiei

 Controlul asupra informatiilor despre prospecti si clienti – acesta nu va mai in agenda personala a agentului, ci parte din PATRIMONIUL COMPANIEI, controlat de Dvs.

 Veti CRESTE VANZARILE optimizand activitatea echipei de vanzari si tratandu-va clientii  intr-un mod perosnalizat, care va va DIFERENTIA de competitie.

 You will easily get ACCURATE and UPDATED reports on: opportunities and sales forecasts, the status on prospects / strategic clients, etc.

 You make sure that existing resources are targeted to achieve company objectives, you will have DIRECT ACCES TO ANY INFORMATION YOU REQUIRE, you will know anytime what the predictions of sales are, related to business goals.

 You will provide marketing, sales and support departments a mean of communication and collaboration for the benefit of the company.

 CONTROL ON INFORMATION about prospects and customers – this should no longer be the agent’s personal agenda, but part of the company’s heritage , totally controlled by you.

 You will INCREASE INCOMES by optimizing the sales team activity and treating your customers in a way that will differentiate you from the competition.