THE EFFECTIVENESS of the marketing actions is no longer an unknown, a black hole whose impact cannot be measured

 You will identify the most PROFITABLE CAMPAIGNS , what kind of specific message customers resonated to, how many leads guided to sales and what is their status; you will get an environment that manages and follows the costs frame for each phase of the campaign.

 You will have a CENTRALIZED DATABASE to study the prospects behavior and to know in which campaigns / promotions they were involved.

 You will BE ABLE TO PLAN and TRACK graphically the campaigns and their development, both in financial terms and in execution.


 EFICIENTA actiunilor de marketing nu mai este o necunoscuta, o gaura neagra al carei impact nu poate fi masurat.

 Veti identifica campaniile cele mai PROFITABILE, la ce tip de mesaje anume au rezonat clientii, cate leaduri au dat spre vanzari si care este statusul lor; veti primi un mediu care se GESTIONEAZA COSTURILE pentru fiecare etapa a campaniei si urmareste incadrarea in aceste costuri.

 Veti avea o BAZA UNICA pe care veti studia comportaentul prospectilor si veti sti in ce campanii/promotii au fost IMPLICATI

 Veti putea planifica si urmari in mod GRAFIC campaniile si derularea acestora, atat din punct de vedere financiar, cat si al executiei.

 Veti primi un instrument de gestionare eficienta a EVENIMENTELOR