Veti obtine cu usurinta rapoarte CORECTE si la zi privind: oportunitatile si previziunile de vanzare, situatia prospectilor/clientilor strategici, etc.
Va asigurati ca resursele existente sunt directionate spre atingerea obiectivelor companiei, veti avea ACCES DIRECT, nemijlocit la orice informatie care va este necesara, veti sti in fiecare minut care sunt previziunile de vanzari raportate la obiectivele firmei
Veti oferi departamentelor de marketing, vanzari si suport un suport prin care sa comunice si sa COLABOREZE in beneficiul companiei
Controlul asupra informatiilor despre prospecti si clienti – acesta nu va mai in agenda personala a agentului, ci parte din PATRIMONIUL COMPANIEI, controlat de Dvs.
Veti CRESTE VANZARILE optimizand activitatea echipei de vanzari si tratandu-va clientii intr-un mod perosnalizat, care va va DIFERENTIA de competitie.
You will easily get ACCURATE and UPDATED reports on: opportunities and sales forecasts, the status on prospects / strategic clients, etc.
You make sure that existing resources are targeted to achieve company objectives, you will have DIRECT ACCES TO ANY INFORMATION YOU REQUIRE, you will know anytime what the predictions of sales are, related to business goals.
You will provide marketing, sales and support departments a mean of communication and collaboration for the benefit of the company.
CONTROL ON INFORMATION about prospects and customers – this should no longer be the agent’s personal agenda, but part of the company’s heritage , totally controlled by you.
You will INCREASE INCOMES by optimizing the sales team activity and treating your customers in a way that will differentiate you from the competition.
The ABILITY TO ACCES DATA , wherever and whenever, about customers and opportunities, both in the office and in the field through your mobile app.
You will no longer waste time of salesmen with administrative tasks and data operation at the expense of PRODUCTIVE activities that generate value for both the company and the sales team (higher sales, higher bonus).
HISTORY OF INTERACTIONS with customers and prospects of the company will no longer be an unsolved mystery, depending on staff turnover.
Veti gestiona cu mai multa USURINTA activitatea echipei de vanzari.
You will increase your chances to KEEP CUSTOMERS in case of sales staff migration.
Posibilitatea de a avea ACCES la datele despre clienti si oportunitati ORIUNDE SI ORICAND, atat de la birou cat si de pe teren prin aplicatia mobila
Nu veti mai irosi timpul agentilor de vanzari cu activitati administrative si de operare date, in detrimentul activitatilor PRODUCTIVE care genereaza valoare atat pentru companie cat si pentru persoanele de vanzari (vanzari mai mari, bonus mai mare)
ISTORICUL interactiunii cu toti clientii si prospectii companiei nu va mai fi un mister nedezlegat, dependent de fluctuatiile de personal.
Veti gestiona cu mai multa USURINTA activitatea echipei de vanzari.
Veti creste sansele de a RETINE CLIENTII odata cu plecarea unor agenti de vanzari
THE EFFECTIVENESS of the marketing actions is no longer an unknown, a black hole whose impact cannot be measured
You will identify the most PROFITABLE CAMPAIGNS , what kind of specific message customers resonated to, how many leads guided to sales and what is their status; you will get an environment that manages and follows the costs frame for each phase of the campaign.
You will have a CENTRALIZED DATABASE to study the prospects behavior and to know in which campaigns / promotions they were involved.
You will BE ABLE TO PLAN and TRACK graphically the campaigns and their development, both in financial terms and in execution.
EFICIENTA actiunilor de marketing nu mai este o necunoscuta, o gaura neagra al carei impact nu poate fi masurat.
Veti identifica campaniile cele mai PROFITABILE, la ce tip de mesaje anume au rezonat clientii, cate leaduri au dat spre vanzari si care este statusul lor; veti primi un mediu care se GESTIONEAZA COSTURILE pentru fiecare etapa a campaniei si urmareste incadrarea in aceste costuri.
Veti avea o BAZA UNICA pe care veti studia comportaentul prospectilor si veti sti in ce campanii/promotii au fost IMPLICATI
Veti putea planifica si urmari in mod GRAFIC campaniile si derularea acestora, atat din punct de vedere financiar, cat si al executiei.
Veti primi un instrument de gestionare eficienta a EVENIMENTELOR
You will KNOW THE PROFITABILITY OF SUPPORT ACTIVITY for customer categories and / or products.
AUTOMATICALLY ASSIGN support requests / complaints when receiving them, in order to know at any moment the real situation of applications, type, status and sender; information on the use of the contracted products and services, vouchers history, response timing for existing contracts, etc.
In every interaction you will have ACCES TO CUSTOMER HISTORY as well as acquired products / services or requested support.
Veti cunoaste PROFITABILITATEA activitatii de suport pe categorii de clienti si/sau produse
Veti creste CALITATEA SI VITEZA interactiunii companiei cu clientii oferindu-le un mediu profesionist de gestionare a interactiunii cu acestia prin intermediul tegnologiei: platforma web, e-mail, telefon.
Va atribui automat cererile de suport/reclamatiile la primirea lor, astfel incat in orice moment veti cunoaste SITUATIA REALA A CERERILOR, tipul lor, statusul si clientii de la care au provenit; informatii cu privire la utilizarea produsului si serviciilor contractate, istoria tichetelor, termenele de raspuns in functie de contractele existente, etc.
In orice interactiune veti avea acces la ISTORICUL CLIENTULUI, precum si la produsele/serviciile achizitionate sau pentru care a solicitat suportul Dvs.
The whole process starts with the company's strategic objectives and thus their implications in the goals of different departments: marketing, sales, support, projects, etc. As such, the success of an organizational change project, in addition to the company’s management, consists also in the involvement of departmental management, as an essential part of processes integration.
Based on collected information we can make a diagnosis and a proposal for workflow’s efficiency and automation that will support you in achieving your goals. If you wish to optimize your sales and marketing processes, our flexible and stable CRM software is essential to your success
We propose the optimal solution to automate business processes included in the project and we provide implementation services for the automation platform (along with specific phases of implementation methodology established worldwide). This embodiment also includes historical data retrieval services that exist in the company and
CAS SmartWE – o solutie de automatizare a proceselor de complexitate medie sau redusa, cu licente inchiriate achitate lunar; Un produs in care s-a inglobat know-how specific de piata si de industrie.
Pachet minimal de servicii care sa personalizeze modul de lucru pentru optimizarea raportului pret/beneficii.
Obtinerea de beneficii rapide prin modernizarea activitatilor si cresterea nivelului de profesionalism a echipei.
Solution for automation of reduced complexity processes, with free licenses where we have embedded specific industry and market know-how.
Minimal services pack to solve specific problems and optimize the price/benefits report.
Achieving quick benefits by upgrading activities and increasing the team professionalism.
CAS genesysWorld – o solutie puternic customizabila pentru automatizarea proceselor specifice companiei. Veti beneficia de o analiza a proceselor de business existente aflate in scopul proiectului si de propuneri privind eficientizarea si automatizarea acestora.
Dupa modelarea si automatizarea proceselor veti avea acces la o solutie prietenoasa, stabila si flexibila, special gandita pentru companiile medii, solutie deja validata in mii de implementari in intreaga lume.
Implementarea solutiei CAS se va realiza respectand toate fazele specifice unei metodologii de implementare consacrate la nivel mondial.
You will benefit from an analysis of existing business processes and proposals on streamlining and automating them.
For process automation you will have access to a friendly, stable and flexible solution, specifically designed for medium companies, validated in thousands of deployments worldwide.
Automation platform implementation will be carried out by respecting all phases of a specific methodology established worldwide.
Salesforce CRM – ofera acces la instrumente si componente performante si de ultima generatie, utilizate de companii din intreag alume, in toate industriile.
“One stop shop” pentru proiecte care presupun fluxuri de business si functionalitati intr-o infrastructura IT complexa.
Abordare integrata a implementarii, care are in vedere integrarea noului instrument CRM in infrastructura IT deja utilizata in companie.
Resources for implementing global solutions used by large international companies (SAP, Microsoft).
“One stop shop” for integrated projects involving a complex IT infrastructure.
Integrated change management approach within the organization throughout collaboration with powerful consulting and leadership companies.
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